“She was with my best friend” – NASCAR driver Denny Hamlin recounts heartbreaking high school prom rejection

Denny Hamlin, a star NASCAR driver known for his impressive 54 victories and No. 11 Toyota, recently opened up about a tender memory from his high school days. During an interview, Hamlin shared a story about a sophomore prom that took a rough turn, revealing a more vulnerable side of him.

He recalled asking a girl he really liked to the prom. “I kept asking her, and she kept dodging the question,” he explained. Eventually, she agreed, but it was clear she wasn’t all that thrilled about it. The night took a nosedive when Hamlin spotted her dancing with his best friend.

As he described it, “At the end of the night, I saw her with my best friend. I went up to them and said, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ She bluntly told me, ‘Honestly, I was hoping he would ask me to prom, but when he didn’t, I just went with you.'” Despite the sting of that night, Hamlin’s life turned out great. He’s now happily engaged to Jordan Fish, with whom he shares two daughters.

Switching gears, Hamlin recently defended NASCAR’s group qualifying system on his podcast, “Actions Detrimental.” He urged fans to stop complaining about the system, arguing that it’s the fairest method. “If your driver didn’t perform well this week, remember they benefited from it last week. You weren’t complaining then,” he noted.

He acknowledged that the system’s TV presentation could be confusing and suggested a tweak: placing Group A qualifiers on the outside and Group B on the inside for a clearer visual. “Sometimes your favorite driver gets a better spot, but it all balances out in the end,” Hamlin added.

In sharing his personal story and opinions, Denny Hamlin continues to connect with fans, not just as a talented driver, but as a relatable person.

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