“Sick and Still Speeding: Tyler Reddick’s Gutsy Drive to NASCAR Glory”

Tyler Reddick was so  sick at Darlington Speedway that he  desperately wanted to  get rid of the stomach virus during the race because he didn’t think he could make it  500 miles  at the  end.But the  regular season title  had been . on the line  – a bonus  of 15 playoff points  – and Reddick was determined to stay in the car even if it meant  sick in  the fire equipment or  a helmet had to  leave the  car, “said Reddick  on Wednesday. three days after beating Kyle Larson by a single point for the  regular season title.

He had Corey Heim on standby just in case, but  just a few hours before Sunday’s  race he felt  the bug that  l ‘took from his  son, Beau, had passed and  was  fit enough to  win the  title. “The worst  was behind me, so I really thought I  would pass it. “Before the race,  I felt better than the days I’ve been in the  car,” Reddick said

. “Once we  went into that  long stretch, with the heat and the bumps  in Turn 2,  the race started  to go bad.” At some point, he  communicated to his 23XI Racing  team that he was  sick  of both  sides, and the team  rushed to  prepare a care package for his  impending arrest. While his gloved hands  were able to stuff the Tums into his mouth, he dropped the smaller Imodium pills all over the floor of his  Toyota. “I barely remember  certain sections of the race, I was  a little off at times, but  if I remember  correctly, I  think (my  team leader) asked me if I was more  concerned about  pushing or  any thing, the  name. call,” Reddick said. 

“I thought I was  wondering what I was more  concerned about, but  really, I  always thought  I  would have both. I  really tried to  go, I tried to let it  out. “The only problem? Reddick had  been on diarrhea  medication in the days leading up to the  race. ” That’s probably what  he did. it’s so  horrible – things were coming out of my body one way or another, and  I couldn’t get out  like that,” he  said. He declared. He made it to the  bottom – 10, no less  – and  on. Tuesday  , I felt good enough to  forget all about this episode, NASCAR’s 10-race playoffs begin Sunday at Atlanta Motor  Speedway in  under four hours  – but he felt that he  had done nothing wrong and  proved that he could complete  500  miles .

“I wasn’t 100%, but I  didn’t lose consciousness.  “I didn’t take  anyone out during  neutralization or make  crazy moves on the  track to take  someone else out,” he said.  “So I think I was in  good enough  shape to be  sure.

But part of that is his affinity for Darlington, the South Carolina track where  he averages 13th in the Cup Series  and 10th in the Xfinity Series. If it had been a different path, Reddick is  not sure  that 23XI would have  treated his illness the same  way, which he  said could have affected his vision  during the race.Larson said  that he had no idea Reddick was  sick until he  found him  after the race to  congratulate him.

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